Co&Ko Education is the top rated global company with large scale and history. Up to date, Co&Ko operates 37 branches in South Korea, and 21 branches in China. Especially in South Korea, 310,000 preschoolers are experiencing the world's finest education Co&Ko. Since Co&Ko education was established in 1998, Co&Ko continuously has been developed 'studio educational program' and 'music educational program’ for kindergartners ages around 0~5. Throughout the research, Co&Ko provides pleasure of learning to children throughout diverse education and cultural contents.
In 2011, Co&Ko education was chosen as 'recommended after school special program' by the Korean ministry of education. This was reviewed again by the Korean ministry of education in 2013, and Co&Ko currently passed the review.
Co&Ko music combined with Dalcroze, Orff and Kodaly method is musical play programs which integrate all types of learning including communicational, physical, social, emotional, artistic and intellectual development.
Co&Ko music consists of 3 different courses named Boing, Funtory, Wonderworld. Additionally, Co&Ko has special programs called performance, percussion and ukulele which are provided to children depending on their ages.